Day 15

We started the day with prayers at the Domus, and then all attended Mass together at the Gesu', which is nearby. It is a beautiful Jesuit church, and we love it more every time we visit.

From there we took the bus to a part of Rome where we have not yet been, to visit St. Agnes and her sister.

The nave and altar in the Church of St. Agnes Outside the Wall

St. Agnes and her sister St.Emerentiana are buried together in this tomb.

Sister Mary Agnes studies a small tombstone of St. Agnes.

Then we went to the nearby Mausoleum of St. Constance.

The Mausoleum of St. Constance
Inside the Mausoleum

One of the frescoes inside the mausoleum

This sarcophagus looks like a jewel box in this photo, but it is large enough to fit a small car inside!

From there we went to the Catacombs of St. Priscilla, but since one is not allowed to take pictures, we have the memory in our hearts.

Then we had a bus ride home which we will remember as it was a typical, packed Roman bus. It was already full when we entered, and more people followed us, and no one got off. as we neared home we sympathized with sardines in a tin!

This afternoon Dr. Cecilia Proverbio, an archaeologist who lectures at the Gregorian University, came to teach us about catacombs and early Roman art. We learned that Christians used some of the same images for their tombs as the pagans did -- for example, the shepherd with his sheep was a very common image, as well as the peacock, greenery and water. However, for Christians these images have a deeper meaning.

The day concluded with an optional concert at Chiesa Nuova.


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