Day 2

Today, we were very grateful to have our Sisters from the Diocese of Lincoln arrive to the Eternal City! A warm welcome is extended to Sister Karen, MS; Sister Clare, MS; Sister Mary Maximilian, CK; and Sister Mary Agnes, CK!

After attending a morning Mass at the Gesu' and having a little time for rest, we were graciously received by Father Oxley, a priest from the Toledo Diocese, who works at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.  Father kindly gave us an introduction to the history of the Holy Office and shared some of what the congregation does today.  Father explained that the Congregation is charged with promoting and safeguarding the Catholic Faith in the area of faith and morals.

Left to Right: Sister Mary Angela, RSM; Sister Mary Hanah, RSM; Sister Karen, MS; Father Walter Oxley;
Sister Mary Maximilian, CK; Sister Clare, MS; Sister Gaudencia, OCD; Sister Mary Agnes, CK; Sister Caridad, OCD

Here is the incredible view of the façade of Saint Peter's Basilica from the roof the Palazzo:

We then visited Saint Peter's Square and realized that, since today is the summer solstice, it was only fitting to have our first gelato!


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